

SEAAPM Business Meeting


March 5, 2005


Charleston, South Carolina


The meeting was called to order at 12:53 PM by President Andrew Karellas.


2004 Minutes:

The minutes of the 2004 meeting were approved.



The winners of the 2005 election of officers were announced as follows:



Chapter Board Representative Report (given by John Gibbons):

John Gibbons gave a synopsis of the proposal to decrease the size of the AAPM board.  The motivation for the proposal was to decrease the size of the board and to correct the unequal representation caused by chapters of greatly varying sizes.  The proposal called for six geographical regions of approximately equal membership.  Each region would have one representative.  The proposal also called for one representative for international members.  The proposal would take the board from 37 down to 12 members.


A discussion followed on the merits of the proposal and on guidance to the SEAAPM board representative on this issue.  The initial discussion focused on the international board representative.  While international board members can now serve as board members at-large, under the new proposal they would be guaranteed a representative.  It was noted that most international members are Canadians who have their own medical physics professional society.


Gary Barnes expressed concerns about the ratio of board members to members of the AAPM executive committee.  He also wished to see a smaller board although larger than the 12 members in the proposal.  Barnes suggested dropping the 2 AIP representatives from the AAPM board.


Ray Tanner made a motion for the SEAAPM’s board representative to return to AAPM with an alternate proposal where each region would have two board representatives instead of one, leaving the international representation at one board member.


Gary Barnes amended Tanner’s motion to provide five at-large board members (the AAPM proposal had no at-large members).  Tanner accepted the amendment.


Libby Brateman amended Gary Barnes amendment to increase the at-large board representation to 6 members.  Barnes accepted the amendment.


Ray Tanner proposed a new amendment where the chapter would instruct the board representative to vote against the original proposal, pointing out that more time was needed.  After some discussion, Tanner withdrew this amendment.  After further discussion Tanner withdrew his original twice-amended motion.


Ray Tanner made a new motion instructing the SEAAPM board representative to vote against the AAPM proposal and urge that it be returned to committee for further study and to express concerns from the SEAAPM that the board should be larger than that proposed and that there should be at-large members.  Robin Miller pointed out that the SEAAPM is already well-represented on the current board.  The motion passed.

Treasurer's Report (David Gauntt):

The treasurer's report was distributed to meeting attendees as part of their registration packages.  The treasurer reported that the chapter is in “very strong financial shape.”  Gary Barnes noted that chapter reserves are sufficient and made a motion for the incoming president to appoint a committee to propose options for using chapter assets.  The motion passed.


Old Chapter Business:

Past-president Dave Vassy proposed guidelines for the Jimmy O. Fenn Distinguished Service Award as follows:


Gary Barnes made a motion to accept the proposal.  The motion passed unanimously.



New Business:


2006 SEAAPM Symposium and Meeting:

An offer was made by incoming president-elect Thaddeus Wilson to hold the 2006 symposium and meeting in Memphis.  Thaddeus Wilson was not in attendance.  The offer was communicated by Robert Wilson.  The offer was for Thaddeus Wilson to co-chair both the meeting and symposium.  Three symposium topics were offered:

  1. Involvement by the Medical Physicists in Digital Modalities and PACS
  2. Dose-risk optimization in radiology
  3. Accreditation programs in radiology


A motion was made by Gary Barnes for the SEAAPM to host a symposium on dose-risk optimization in 2006 to be co-chaired by Thaddeus Wilson and Robert Wilson.  The motion passed.


A motion was made by David Gauntt to hold the 2006 SEAAPM meeting in Memphis on a date to be determined.  The motion passed.


Chapter finances and AAPM liability:

Donald Frey reported on a resolution passed by the AAPM board about liability to national for its chapters.  Several examples were cited including a chapter not filing income tax returns.  Frey stated that he did not think any of the issues related to the SEAAPM.


Waiving of Symposium Fee:

David Gauntt made a motion for the chapter to waive fees for chapter symposia for the SEAAPM secretary and treasurer.  The motion passed.


SEAAPM Nominations:

David Gauntt made a motion that the chapter would e-mail its membership 3-4 months before elections to solicit nominations for chapter officers.  Perry Sprawls amended the motion to read that the executive committee would select at least two candidates from the nominations received through the e-mail solicitation if two or more names were received.  After some discussion, Gauntt withdrew his motion.


Wlad Sobol made a motion that the chapter member recipient of the Best Paper Award be reimbursed for travel expenses to the SEAAPM meeting and other authors would be reimbursed only if invited.  Ray Tanner suggested a cash award.  Sobol accepted an amendment for a $700 award to be distributed to the authors.  The motion passed.


Passing of the Virtual Gavel:

The virtual gavel was passed to in-coming President Perry Sprawls.



The meeting was adjourned at 2:22 PM after President Sprawls proclaimed a fifteen-minute break before resumption of the scientific meeting.


Respectfully submitted,

George David, Secretary SEAAPM


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