Southeastern chapter of the American Association of Physicists
in Medicine
March 22, 1997; Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Adams Mark Winston Plaza Hotel
The 1997 Annual Business Meeting of the SEAAPM was called to order by
President George Sherouse at 1:07 PM on March 22, 1997 at the Adams Mark
Winston Plaza Hotel, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
The 1996 minutes were distributed. Ray Tanner made a motion to accept
the minutes as distributed. The motion was seconded by Mike Yester and
unanimously approved.
Election Results:
58 Marc Sontag (St. Jude Childrens Hospital)
Don Frey (Medical University of South Carolina)
Nasser Maleki (Memorial Medical Center)
George David (Medical College of Georgia)
1 Jessie Helms (United States Senate)
The treasurers report was distributed to the membership. The balance
on deposit (December 31, 1996) in the checking account and Certificate
of deposit was $36,055.73. A motion was made by George David to have the
SEAAPM books audited. No second was offered. Don Frey suggested the appointment
of a three-member group to internally audit the SEAAPM books and there
appeared to be consensus on his suggestion. Discussion followed on the
possibility of allowing credit card payment for SEAAPM. Little consensus
or interest was expressed and the proposal was dropped.
There is a commission at AAPM looking at the size of the Board (currently
36). A complicating factor is the make-up of the chapter representatives
because there is a difference of approximately a factor of 10 in the size
of the various chapters.
A report was presented on AAPM finances. After three years of deficits
the AAPM had a large profit last year. The reasons appeared to be better
management and an improved budgeting process. Concern was expressed over
the trend toward rising expenses in "good" years and the possibility of
funding of reserves.
Staff changes at headquarters were reported. The AAPM journal staff has
been relocated to headquarters. The AAPM has also hired a webmaster.
Jon Trueblood discussed the progress on merger of the ABR and ABMP.
Discussion returned to the AAPM chapter representatives and the differences
in size and activity between chapters. Concern was expressed as to whether
all chapter representatives actually represented active chapters.
It was reported that CAMPEP now gives continuing education credits. The
AAPM has ceased this function.
There was a discussion of the timing and location issues for the summer
school and annual meeting.
Jon Trueblood encouraged nominations for at-large AAPM board members from
the southeast chapter.
OLD BUSINESS (George Sherouse)
There has been no follow-up on the nomination of Ed Chaney for AAPM fellowship.
The deadline for this year was missed but George Sherouse promised to follow-up
for next year. Don Frey suggested that the SEAAPM president should scan
the membership for AAPM fellowship candidates.
George Sherouse reported that a mailing list had been set up for the chapter
for subscription to bulk e-mail.
Jon Trueblood offered to produce a check-off list or schedule for the duties
of the SEAAPM president.
There was a discussion about sending the southeast chapter archives to
the AAPM and whether national is interested in chapter history.
There was a discussion about the chapter contributing to a memorial fund
and whether that would endanger our tax-exempt status. It was determined
that the chapter can make discretionary contributions as long as it incurs
no obligations and no contracts are signed.
There was a discussion about the chapter contributing to the Wilson Drew
memorial fund. No action was taken.
NEW BUSINESS (George Sherouse)
Dan Bourland discussed student involvement in SEAAPM meetings and about
the best student paper award in particular. One issue discussed was who
qualifies as a student. Another was funding a student to attend the national
meeting to make a presentation. Don Frey suggested that we contact the
Medical Physics Education Council for a list of programs and use this list
to solicit student papers. He said that the initial objective of the best
student paper award was to involve students in the chapter. Also discussed
was the possibility of dropping the price of registration for the annual
meeting and symposium for students. Ray Tanner made a motion that the executive
committee propose student fees. The motion was seconded by Jon Trueblood
and passed unanimously.
Jon Trueblood suggested empowering symposium directors to set the registration
fee for the symposium.
Ray Tanner proposed having a symposium in conjunction with the 1998 annual
meeting on Digital Image Quality Control. He further suggested that it
be divided into three approximately equal segments, mammography, radiography,
and radiation therapy. He also suggested having the symposium accredited.
Ray Tanner was nominated to chair the symposium. Ray Tanner then volunteered
to do this.
Marc Sontag suggested holding the 1998 annual meeting in Memphis on either
the weekend of April 2-4 or April 16-18 (the weeks just before and after
Easter). Final arrangements will be decided upon by the executive committee.
There was a discussion on the SEAAPM home page and whether we wished to
move it to national. The consensus was to wait to do this.
Dan Bourland and George David were thanked for their work in organizing
and preparing the 1997 annual meeting.
The 1997 officers were introduced: Dan Bourland, president, Marc Sontag,
president-elect, and George David, secretary-treasurer.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:23 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
George David
Secretary, SEAAPM