
SEAAPM Business Meeting

April 10, 1999

Atlanta, Georgia

The meeting was called to order by President-elect Wlad Sobol at 1:09 on Saturday April 10, 1999 at the Sheraton, Buckhead in Atlanta, Georgia. President Marc Sontag was not present due to illness.


Old minutes:

The minutes of the 1998 meeting were approved.



The results of the 1999 election of officers was announced as follows:


Winner: John Gibbons


Winner: George David

Board Representative: Jerry Allison


Treasurer's Report:

The treasurer's report was given. The balance in the First Union Corporate CAP account as of December 31, 1998 was $35,063.83. A motion was made and passed to accept the treasurer's report.


Chapter Board Representative Report (Mike Yester):

Report / Discussion Items:

Dual Board (ABR, ABMP) Issues

The stepping down of the ABR Physics trustee

AAPM Headquarters reorganization including

hiring of an additional person in the area of information systems

reorganization of the AAPM Board of Directors which is on hold.

professional issues

use by AAPM of an investment advisory services board

ABR re-certification requirements, process, and the new time-limited certificates


Chapter Business:

There was a discussion of chapter finances and the establishment of a Reserved Fund. Ken Vanek made a motion to create a $25,000 reserve account. The motion passed. Gary Barnes made a motion to let the executive committee decide and invest up to $25,000. There was a discussion about splitting the investment into two parts, one more conservative and the other less. There was also a discussion of investment in a standard index fund. After the discussion the motion was passed.

Perry Sprawls updated the chapter on the "Partners in Physics" program including sharing a letter of appreciation from Guillermo Trujillo whom the chapter currently sponsors. Perry Sprawls made a motion for the chapter to support up to 5 individuals as part of the "Partners in Physics" program. The cost would be approximately $400 per year. A motion by Ray Tanner to table Perry Sprawls' motion was passed.

There was a discussion on publishing proceedings of the 1999 chapter symposium on Monitor Unit Calculation. John Gibbons presented details of his efforts on this behalf including the refusal of Medical Physics Publishing to take this on and a contract received by Dr. Gibbons from Advanced Medical Publishing (AMP). A motion was made by Gary Barnes to authorize the chapter to publish proceedings of the 1999 symposium to be arranged by John Gibbons in conjunction with the executive committee. An amended motion was proposed by Jerry Allison and accepted by Gary Barnes to authorize the chapter to publish proceedings of the 1999 symposium with John Gibbons as editor. The amended motion was passed. Jon Trueblood made a motion that editor John Gibbons will make a proposal to the executive committee for the publication of the 1999 symposium proceedings. The motion was passed.

George David discussed student affairs and the chapter's communication with students and residents in Medical Physics. Initiatives included setting up a job bulletin board at the meeting and offering students a place to post resumes on the SEAAPM web page. Ray Tanner made a motion authorizing the president to appoint an individual to oversee student relations and the Young Professional Award with a budget of up to $3,000. The motion passed.

A motion passed to un-table Perry Sprawls previous motion to support up to 5 individuals in the Partners in Physics program. A substitute motion was accepted by Dr. Sprawls which authorized the chapter for a three-year commitment and removed the dollar limits. This substitute motion passed.

Don Frey discussed issue of linkage of the time and place of the national AAPM summer school and the annual meeting. Since de-linking the two, attendance has dropped. A survey on the subject was inconclusive. There is now a move to have a two year cycle for linkage.

Don Frey proposed that the chapter support the 2003 Summer School in Charleston, SC at Charleston College. He explained that there is no financial risk to the chapter and that the chapter would receive $1,000 for hosting. Don Frey made a motion to authorize him to make a proposal for the chapter to host the 2003 summer school in Charleston. The motion passed.

Don Frey made a motion to authorize the president to set up a committee to investigate a life-time achievement and recommend candidates for national awards. John Gibbons offered an amendment to have this committee also be responsible for the chapter's student award. No second was offered for the amendment. Dr. Frey's original motion passed.

There was a discussion of having a paid keynote or invited speaker for the annual chapter meeting. It was decided that it is already a standing policy that the president is authorized to spend funds for this purpose.

There was a discussion on the location of the SEAAPM meeting and having the meeting in Atlanta in alternate years. A motion was made by Ray Tanner to host the 2000 SEAAPM meeting in Atlanta but was withdrawn after further discussion. A replacement motion was offered to authorize the president-elect with setting the date and location of the 2000 SEAAPM meeting. This motion passed.

Gary Barnes suggested a diagnostic topic such as mammography and computed tomography be pursued for the chapter's 2000 symposium. After some discussion, Gary Barnes and Jon Trueblood volunteered to be co-directors of a chapter symposium on the topic of "Therapy and Diagnostic Aspects of CT."

The chapter formally thanked Mike Yester for his service over the last three years as representative to the AAPM national board.

The chapter formally thanked Eric Elder for his service in making local arrangements for the 1999 SEAAPM symposium and meeting.

Tom Slowey gave an update on arragements for the national 1999 AAPM meeting to be held in Nashville.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:04 PM.

Respectfully submitted

George David, Secretary-treasurer SEAAPM