SEAAPM Business Meeting
March 10, 2001
Atlanta, Georgia
The meeting was called to order by President John Gibbons at 1:09 on Saturday March 10, 2001 at the Crowne Plaza Rivinia in Atlanta, Georgia.
Secretary’s Note:
During the scientific meeting Jon Trueblood was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the SEAAPM.
Old minutes:
The minutes of the 2000 meeting were approved after the following correction: The term of the CRCPD representative is three years.
The winners of the 2000 election of officers was announced as follows:
President-elect: Chester Ramsey
Secretary: George David
Treasurer: David Gauntt
Treasurer's Report (given by George David):
The treasurer's report had been previously distributed to meeting attendees. It showed a balance in the First Union Corporate CAP account as of December 31, 2000 of $32,066.21. The CD owned by the chapter was redeemed in May of 2000 with a value of $9,180 and was deposited in the First Union Corporate CAP account at that time. The year-end balance also reflects a $2,000 deposit to the Crowne Plaza Ravinia Hotel in Atlanta for the 2001 annual SEAAPM symposium and scientific meeting.
Chapter Board Representative Report (given by representative Jerry Allison):
- Ray Tanner moved that the chapter instruct the AAPM board representative to oppose the $27,000 contribution. Wlad Sobol seconded. After some discussion the motion was amended to say that the chapter instruct the AAPM board representative that the $27,000 contribution be reduced by the cost of making and distributing the CD. Much of the subsequent discussion concerned the CD ("a useless piece of plastic") and the fact that the journal was already available on-line. The motion passed.
The gavel was passed to President Sandra McIntosh
CRCPD Board Representative Report (given by representative Michael Tkacik)
Michael Tkacik attended the CRCPD Meeting. He reported on the following meeting highlights
A suggestion was made to put the AAPM Board representative and CRCPD reports on the chapter web page
Chapter Business:
There was a request by the national AAPM to synchronize the terms of SEAAPM officers to the calendar year. This actually relates to an AAPM constitutional requirement for the Board Representative which allows the AAPM directory to display up-to-date information. It was pointed out that the term of the Board Representative from the SEAAPM is already synchronized to the calendar year. There was a short discussion on the reasons for the terms of the other SEAAPM officers to be synchronized to the annual chapter meeting. The chapter agreed to take the AAPM’s request under advisement and in the interim to inform national AAPM of new chapter officers when those changes occur.
2002 Annual Meeting and Symposium:
Mark Bruels brought up the topic of radiation therapy reimbursements. He moved to instruct our board representative to request that the national AAPM board support keeping physics APC codes and oppose changes to treatment planning codes. Ivan Brezovich expanded the motion to have the AAPM board request that a physicist be part of the HICFA group. Jerry Allison suggested writing the AAPM president and the chair of the Professional Counsel and urging them to take on the matter of treatment planning codes. Ray Tanner offered an alternate motion that the SEAAPM president write the AAPM president and the chair of the Professional Council requesting immediate action on changing the number of APC codes and urge representation to HICFA by physicists.
Perry Sprawls made a motion to thank secretary George David for his work on behalf of the chapter and the 2001 symposium and meeting. The motion was seconded and passed.
Jerry Allison thanked President Sandra McIntosh and her husband, Jim McIntosh, for all of their hard work in planning for the 2001 symposium and meeting including local arrangements.
President Sandra McIntosh thanked symposium co-directors Jerry Allison and Perry Sprawls for their efforts for the successful 2001 SEAAPM symposium.
President Sandra McIntosh reported on the death of charter SEAAPM chapter member Jimmy Fenn. A moment of silence was held in his honor. Perry Sprawls suggested the establishment of a heritage section of the SEAAPM web page. He agreed to write a tribute to Jimmy Fenn and also to write an article on chapter history. Webmaster George David agreed to insert all such material on to the web page.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:54 PM.
Respectfully submitted
George David, Secretary SEAAPM